Welcome to Genomic Genealogy
Here you will find information about genetic genealogy and links to products, tools, and resources that you can use to research your ancestry. You will also find information on the emerging field of genomic genealogy which is similar to genetic genealogy but instead of looking at selected genetic markers a person's entire genome is sequenced.
On the left-hand-side of each page you will find links to pages with information related to genetics and genealogy.
The DNA page has information on the structure of DNA and how it encodes genetic information. You will also find a discussion of the different kinds of DNA that humans possess and how it can be used to research your ancestry and discover new family members.
The Human Migration page contains information about how genes vary according to geographic location and what this can tell you about your personal ancestry.
The DNA Testing page contains information about the different kinds of genealogical DNA tests that are available as well as links to providers of genealogical DNA testing.
The Consultations page has information about the personal consultation service I offer which can assist you in selecting an appropriate genetic test as well as to provide you with information and advice on genealogical research and the online tools that are available. I can also conduct genealogical research on your behalf.
The Research Links page contains links to various online resources and historical records for researching your family history. Some of these services are free and some require a subscription.
The References page contains information about the academic resources that were used in the construction of this website.
The About page provides information about myself and my history with genetic testing and genealogical research.
The Contact page allows you to send messages to me, including requests for consultations.
The Privacy Policy link provides information about this site's privacy policy.
The Security Policy link provides information about this site's security policy.
I hope you find the information contained on this site useful and that it opens up a new world of information about your personal ancestry.

Figure Reference:
Figure 1: DNA molecule - Original work created using PyMol and the PDB dataset from:
Drew, H., Wing, R., Takano, T., Broka, C., Tanaka, S., Itakura, K., & Dickerson, R. (1981, May 21). Structure of a B-DNA dodecamer: Conformation and dynamics. Retrieved from The Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB) Protein Data Bank (PDB): https://www.rcsb.org/